White Population

The percentage of population that is White, based on data from the American Community Survey.

Race information is for all people, not just those facing eviction.

The overtime average is 64.8%.

For 2018, Jefferson Park ranked 14th in Chicago for White population (percent).

From 2010 to 2018, White population (percent) decreased by 10.3%.

On average, White population (percent) for Jefferson Park was much higher (100.6%) than Chicago.

White population (percent) from American Community Survey 5-Year Data presented with eviction filing rate. Select "2010" to display ACS 5-Year (2006-2010) and 2010 filing rate, "2018" for ACS 5-Year (2014-2018) and 2018 filing rate, or "Avg" to display averages (this is the default display).

Tract 2010 Decennial ACS 5-year (2006-2010) ACS 5-year (2014-2018) Tract
Tract 1101.00 73.2% 68% 66.3% Tract 1101.00
Tract 1102.00 69.9% 81.5% 56.7% Tract 1102.00
Tract 1103.00 71.6% 70.7% 64.4% Tract 1103.00
Tract 1104.00 69.6% 66.4% 61.8% Tract 1104.00
Tract 1105.01 61.1% 57.9% 58.3% Tract 1105.01
Tract 1105.02 65.4% 73.6% 57.3% Tract 1105.02
From the American Community Survey (table DP05) "Not Hispanic or Latino" category "White." For more information, read our methodology.